
Identity of the Ren Shin Kan dojo
Ren Shin Kan aims to teach aikido with the "heart" as the main ingredient. The training is certainly physically demanding, with reppect to each person’s capacities, but without neglecting the spiritual part of the progression. The dojo’s name has been granted by Sugano Seiichi Shihan, 8th dan of the Tokyo Aikikai and direct student of the founder of akido. “Ren" means "drill", a higher-level concept than "training". "Shin" means the spirit and "Kan" means the place, the house. This dojo tries to live up to its name by providing a rigorous training through the development of the mind.The location of the dojo in a modest little school accentuates the atmosphere of study and meditation. The teacher hopes to compensate for the place’s relative lack of comfort by offering a more intimate teaching and by uniting the team of practitioners around common ideals. In the same spirit the Ren Shin Kan is, among others, at the origin of a social project aiming to promote aikido among the children of the elementary school "La Farandole", the school where the dojo is located (see socio-educational project below).
The teaching has the ambition to be built around a hard core of students, a core that will grow slowly by being made up of motivated people. Nothing is indeed more difficult to manage than the coexistence within the same class, of "truly motivated" practitioners and "dilettante" practitioners. Ren Shin Kan classes are undoubtedly aimed at the first category of practitioners. Let's remember that high standards are not synonymous with austerity, far from it! Joy and enthusiasm make the heart of the school vibrate...
Ren Shin Kan aims to teach aikido with the "heart" as the main ingredient. The training is certainly physically demanding, with reppect to each person’s capacities, but without neglecting the spiritual part of the progression. The dojo’s name has been granted by Sugano Seiichi Shihan, 8th dan of the Tokyo Aikikai and direct student of the founder of akido. “Ren" means "drill", a higher-level concept than "training". "Shin" means the spirit and "Kan" means the place, the house. This dojo tries to live up to its name by providing a rigorous training through the development of the mind.The location of the dojo in a modest little school accentuates the atmosphere of study and meditation. The teacher hopes to compensate for the place’s relative lack of comfort by offering a more intimate teaching and by uniting the team of practitioners around common ideals. In the same spirit the Ren Shin Kan is, among others, at the origin of a social project aiming to promote aikido among the children of the elementary school "La Farandole", the school where the dojo is located (see socio-educational project below).
The teaching has the ambition to be built around a hard core of students, a core that will grow slowly by being made up of motivated people. Nothing is indeed more difficult to manage than the coexistence within the same class, of "truly motivated" practitioners and "dilettante" practitioners. Ren Shin Kan classes are undoubtedly aimed at the first category of practitioners. Let's remember that high standards are not synonymous with austerity, far from it! Joy and enthusiasm make the heart of the school vibrate...

Socio-educational project associated to REN SHIN KAN
The school "La Farandole" indeed proposes an aikido activity to the children of the first and second grades of primary school. This activity is included in the normal class schedule and aims to develop the child’s psycho-motor growth, but also her/his learning about difference, respect and discipline.
Teachers from the Ren Shin Kan provide these courses for children as part of the so-called “Dispositif d'Accrochage Scolaire" and in close cooperation with the school management and the local authorities.
The school "La Farandole" indeed proposes an aikido activity to the children of the first and second grades of primary school. This activity is included in the normal class schedule and aims to develop the child’s psycho-motor growth, but also her/his learning about difference, respect and discipline.
Teachers from the Ren Shin Kan provide these courses for children as part of the so-called “Dispositif d'Accrochage Scolaire" and in close cooperation with the school management and the local authorities.